Book Search

If study material is your aim, you’ll find books by Josh McDowell, Charles Swindol, or Beth Moore.  Want a comfort read, just an easy, enjoyable book?  CBC library has over 1000 novels by famous authors such as Randy Alcorn, Lynn Austin, or Kay Author.  Picture books for the very young are available that are sure to bring smiles to tiny toddlers on Mom or Dad’s lap. Teenagers will find appropriate material on current subjects for their generation.  And young readers will tap their imaginations with stories of knights and battles in Narnia.

Have you read any of the Naria books?  How about the Left Behind series?  C.S. Lewis has authored a number of critical reading texts. 

Why not check it out or sit back and read about God.

Calvary’s Library is transitioning to a new search website, where you will have the ability to search our library stacks by keyword, author, subject, category.  

Web OPAC provides the ability to search for items in the collection by means of an easy-to-use basic word search to match what you are looking for. 

Just type in the words. A ‘Keyword’ search will cut a broad swath across a lot of item elements in the database. As implied by their labels, Title, Author and Subject searches focus in on those specific elements of items in the collection. You can click on the ‘Keyword’ drop-down in the basic search bar to perform Author, Title or Subject searches.

Click here: CBCLibrary Search website to access this tool.,

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